Friday, October 31, 2008

New Machine Vision Telecentric Lens for gauging applications
Press Release:

What is a Telecentric Lens?
Well if you read the standard definitions you will hear alot of optical technical "mumbo jumbo" of which the information is true but doesn't do most application engineers much good.
So here is a basic description...

Telecentric lenses, unlike conventional lenses, only accept parallel cones of light. This means objects maintain there image size regardless of their distance from the lens. This eliminates the perspective effect noticeable in applications that use standard lenses.

Telecentric lenses are ideal for gauging appliations because they provide a true "caliper" measurement. While improving accuracy they also are less affected by part misalighnment. Not only can telecentric lenses eliminate the perspective effect but high quality telecentrics such as Industrial Vision Components' Elite Series Telecentric Lenses have an extremely low distortion providing for accurate measurements in any region of the Field of View (FOV).


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